woensdag 26 januari 2011

Gerard en Stipje door de tijd Trailer

So I decided to start another small(ish) project to work on next to my graduation short, just to blow off some steam. It's called "Gerard en Stipje door de tijd" (or; Gerard and Stipje through time) and yes, it's Dutch only!

This trailer (which is about 100 times more epic than the actual series) was made with the great help from the talented Robin Niekerk, who's blog can be found here

And for the music, Belgian über composer Joris Hermy helped me out, for the third time now.

donderdag 20 januari 2011

My new site!

W0000t! My new site is finally online!


Tell your friends!

vrijdag 14 januari 2011

Cats on balls

So instead of working on my graduation short, school thought it was a good idea for me to make an animation about cats on balls.

Cats on balls.

There's this educative game for highschool students called "CarKit" and we had to search for more ways to brand the IP. I of course, went for a 2D animated short which you can see up there.
