zaterdag 31 januari 2009

Über-sketch-action-post 4000 XP PRO!!!

Well, time for some sketches...
Two weeks ago, I had a quicksketch seminar which was really fun to do. Here are some of the sketches from that week...

The first day was people drawing day:

The second day we went to the zoo in Rotterdam, were the infamous Bokito resides. This was the first time I tried sketching animals, which turned out to be pretty hard because they can't stay still, especially the monkeys (which were awesome, by the way)

The third day we went to Haarlem were we spended most of the time walking in and around the giant church. It was very cold that day so I didn't do much...

These last three pieces have nothing to do with the seminar, just something I was doodling last night in the train.

zaterdag 24 januari 2009

Singing barbarians

Well, these are five teaser posters I had to make for the school so they can use it for promotion

zaterdag 17 januari 2009

Singing pirates

Here is some old concept art and a few posters from the musical I worked on a few years ago.

dinsdag 13 januari 2009

vrijdag 9 januari 2009

More pirates!

Because more pirates will make the world a better place.

donderdag 8 januari 2009

Dirty clay hands

Well this week we had a sculpture seminar on school and because I'm such a fan of classmate Davor's work (see previous post), I decided to make a sculpture of him! I think it went pretty well, considering this is the first time I tried something like this. I'll try to expiriment with it some more if I can find the time.